Monday, March 24, 2008

Knock Knock

(click to see larger view)

Knock Knock
Who's There?
Granny, Knock Knock
Who's There?
Granny, Knock Knock
Who's There?
Granny, Knock Knock
Who's There?
Granny, Knock Knock
Who's There?
Knock Knock
Who's There?
Aren't you glad granny's gone?

A stupid joke I once heard, actually a knock knock joke book. There is a point to which the dormant volcano stays dormant. The little constant irritating nerve racking incessant bark-like brain squashing tapeworm of a poke can do the trick. Often these dormant volcanoes have been bearing the brunt of other creatures pee-ing on them. They do get pissed off (pun intended), and do spit out molten lava particles in the forms of abuses (%$&# $%).

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