(click to enlarge...the comic, you dumbass!)
You'll always believe that you don't need to read this....mind you, it's for your own benefit. There are certain things that you need, there are certain things that you want! Your goal is to at least have enough of what you need, and some of what you want. Ours is to sell you something that you don't even want, forget need!
May I offer you an aerodynamically designed padded cover for your car seatbelts when they put pressure on you shoulder or chest. For all those years you've driven without any seatbelts.....Let us make the rest comfortable.
May I offer you zero gravity boots that let you walk over your neighbour's ceiling, give you more options to sneak in his home while his wife's alone.
May I offer you ultra high quality biodegradable plastic bags made from Polyutherineglutamate, the strongest plastic ever! to carry all those heavy sharp metal boxes.
May I offer you night vision goggles so that you can start your own 'I Spy' agency.
May I offer you the latest touchscreen mobile phone, to make a call, find the nearest telephone booth!
May I offer you Packaged Drinking Water from the French Springs. Made in India!
May I offer you the finest full sleeves cotton+linen shirt from Old Navy, most famous brand in USA. Cloth bought from India, Manufactured in Sri Lanka.
May I offer you FartyPants, with pioneering technology to turn fart odour into flowery fragrance, just like the turn of a knob on your ambi pur car.
May I offer you a 'Thinkpad' Notebook at a price thats bound to make you fall into debts. Made in China.
Just Imagine.....I will be waiting at your doorstep....
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